Saturday, August 15, 2020

Online Coaching

With all of the "fun" things that have been going on in 2020 golf coaches everywhere have had to be adaptable and work out ways to offer coaching services to their clients. Online coaching has been a way for coaches to stay engaged with their clients and offer advice on swings and practice routines. All of the proactive coaches that I know have these systems in place already and moved quickly to expand their offerings for their students.

There are a number of different options out there for online coaching and I am interested in what your experiences are with online coaching. If you are a golfer, have you had an online lesson? Have you sent a swing in for analysis? Did it help? What was your experience like? I would love to hear what you liked about it or what you didn't like about it.

Also, if you are a coach, what are you offering in the online space for your clients? What has the engagement been like? Are you keeping your students or even gaining new ones? I would love to hear from you about your experiences in these crazy times.

Personally, I have set up a Fiverr gig for swing analysis and Skype calls. I use the GASP Lab system to analyse the swings sent to me and it is a great product. I am also currently looking at a couple of different options for online coaching. I am in a little different space at the moment as I am not coaching full time but, if I was, I would be offering different options for my students.

I am always open to contact from my students and we can work together to come up with the best possible solution to keep their golf improving.

Let me know in the comments what your experiences have been or hit me up on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram with your comments.

Until next time,


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