For those of you that don't know me, my name is Brent Davis and I am an Australian PGA Golf Professional. I am AAA rated with the Australian PGA and I have Masters in Applied Science (Sport Coaching) through the University of Queensland. I am currently working in Taiwan as the National Coach and am based at Sunrise Golf Club. I coach the national squad in Taiwan as well as some of the younger players here. I coach the players in Taiw
As part of my job here I get to travel with the National team to all of their major events throughout the year. Last year we travelled to China, Japan, USA, Philippines and Australia to compete in some of the major amateur events on the world calender. This travel allows me to coach the players in effective travel techniques. They learn how to play different golf courses in different conditions and deal with such travel problems as jetlag, finding food in strange countries and dealing with language barriers. I will keep you updated on the player's results in these events on this blog.
I also keep in touch with my students in Australia and enjoy hearing from them and helping them with their golf in any way I can.
Now that I have introduced myself and what I do, I look forward to posting on a regular basis and hearing from all of you and helping where I can.
Until next time,
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