Before he visited me for a swing evaluation he had already spent some time with Ramsay McMaster and his team at the Melbourne Golf Injury Clinic. During his sessions at the clinic his body was assessed for postural issues, range of motion problems and muscle imbalances relative to golf. Corrective exercises are then prescribed to get his body ready to
make effective golf swings. He also spent time with Jamie Glazier who is a mental conditioning coach. These sessions have helped him with the mental side of his golf game.
When he visited me for a swing evaluation I noticed that his body could be stronger in certain body parts which would allow him to swing the club more efficiently. I suggested he take the time to have an evaluation with Scott Williams (pictured above) from Ocean Fitness in Sorrento. Scott is great at what he does and the session was very valuable for Kristian's training.
Scott took Kristian through a number of evaluations to determine areas that needed improvement and showed him a variety of exercises that he could use to strengthen his "golf muscles". The photos show how some of the exercises replicate the golf swing movement while some are used as general strengthening exercises. You can also have a look
at a video on my facebook page.
The session was very thorough and beneficial for both Kristian and myself and I am already seeing the changes to Kristian's body being reflected in his golf swing. I will keep you posted with Kristian's scores as we continue to work on his game.
Until next time,
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